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Vol.37, No.9, 1027 ~ 1035, 1999
Effects of Hot - deformation Conditions and Cooling Rates on the Proeutectoid Cementite on the Grain Boundary in Hyper - eutectoid Steel Rods
조삼규Sam Kyu Cho
An investigation was performed to establish the optimum cooling and rolling conditions for producing high carbon steel wire rods for cold drawing and good mechnical properties. Especially, an attention was paid on suppressing the occurrence of proeutectoid cementite film on the austenite grain boundaries in high carbon steels during cooling since its presence causes the wire breakage during cold drawing processes or applications. Continuous cooling simulation, hot compression test, etc. were conducted on steels with different carbon content, 0.8-1.42%C. The precipitation of the proeutectoid cementite film in high carbon steels was suppressed if the deformed steels were held for over 0.5-10 sec after hot rolling and slow-cooled to the precipitation temperature of the proeutectoid cementite.
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