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Vol.48, No.1, 71 ~ 77, 2010
A Study on the Resistance Spot Weldability of 590 MPa Grade DP Steel with Modified Electrode Tip
이상민 Sang Min Lee , 박영도 Yeong Do Park
The use of advanced high-strength steels (AHSS) in automotive applications has steadily increased over the past few years. Two different failure modes are generally observed in shear-tension tests for resistance spot welds of AHSS. interfacial fractures and full button pullout. Despite high load-carrying capacity. the resistance spot welds in AHSS cue prone to interfacial fractures. To improve the load carrying ability of welds during shear-lap and cross tension tests. the tip surface of the electrode was grooved in a round shape. The electrode tip surface was modified so as to concentrate the current now in the central and circumferential portion of the electrode force. The results showed that the interfacial fracture was suppressed in welds using the modified electrode. In a comparison of failure mode during mechanical tests. the welds made with the modified electrode showed a higher tendency to fail via full button pullout fracture.
Key Words
resistance spot, welding, advanced high strength steel, modified electrode tip
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