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Vol.48, No.2, 175 ~ 180, 2010
Thermal Conductivity in Individual Single-Crystalline PbTe Nanowires
노종욱 Jong Wook Roh , 장소영 So Young Jang , 강주훈 Joo Hoon Kang , 이승현 Seung Hyun Lee , 노진서 Jin Seo Noh , 박정희 Jeung Hee Park , 이우영 Woo Young Lee
We investigated the thermal conductivity of individual single-crystalline PbTe nanowires grown by chemical vapor transport method. Suspended MEMS was utilized to precisely measure the thermal conductivity of an individual nanowire. The thermal conductivity of a PbTe nanowire with diameter of 292 nm was measured to be 1.8 W/m·K at 300 K, which is about two thirds of that of bulk PbTe. This result indicates that the thermal conduction through a PbTe nanowire is effectively suppressed by the enhanced phonon boundary scattering. As the diameter of a PbTe nanowire decreases, the corresponding thermal conductivity linearly decreases.
Key Words
PbTe, thermoelectric materials, thermal conductivity, crystal growth, focused ion beam
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