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Vol.47, No.11, 728 ~ 734, 2009
Effect of Powder Preheating Temperature on the Properties of Cu based Amorphous Coatings by Cold Spray Deposition
조진현 Jin Hyeon Cho , 박동용 Dong Yong Park , 이진규 Jin Kyu Lee , 이기안 Kee Ahn Lee
Cu based amorphous (Cu54Zr22Ti18Ni6) powders were deposited onto Al 6061 substrates by cold spray process with different powder preheating temperatures (below glass transition temperature: 350℃, near glass transition temperature: 430℃ and near crystallization temperature: 500℃). The microstructure and macroscopic properties (hardness, wear and corrosion) of Cu based amorphous coating layers were also investigated. X-ray diffraction results showed that cold sprayed Cu based amorphous coating layers of 300~350 μm thickness could be well manufactured regardless of powder preheating temperature. Porosity measurements revealed that the coating layers of 430℃ and 500℃ preheating temperature conditions had lower porosity contents (0.88%, 0.93%) than that of the 350℃ preheating condition (4.87%). Hardness was measured as 374.8 Hv (350℃), 436.3 Hv (430℃) and 455.4 Hv (500℃) for the Cu based amorphous coating layers, respectively. The results of the suga test for the wear resistance property also corresponded well to the hardness results. The critical anodic current density (i(c)) according to powder preheating temperature conditions of 430℃, 500℃ was lower than that of the sample preheated at 350℃, respectively. The higher hardness, wear and corrosion resistances of the preheating conditions of near Tg and Tx, compared to the properties of below Tg, could be well explained by the lower porosity of coating layer.
Key Words
Cu based amorphous, cold spray deposition, powder preheating temperature, amorphous coating, porosity, wear resistance, corrosion resistance
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