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Vol.47, No.11, 722 ~ 728, 2009
Effects of Nitrogen Ion Implantation on the Surface Properties of 316L Stainless Steel as Bipolar Plate for PEMFC
김민욱 Min Uk Kim , 김도향 Do Hyang Kim , 한승희 Seung Hee Han , 김유찬 Yu Chan Kim
The bipolar plates are not only the major part of the polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cell (PEMFC) stack in weight and volume, but also a significant contributor to the stack costs. Stainless steels are considered to be good candidates for bipolar plate materials of the PEMFC due to their low cost, high strength and easy machining, as well as corrosion resistance. In this paper, 316L stainless steel with and without nitrogen ion implantation were tested in simulated PEMFC environments for application as bipolar plates. The results showed that the nitride formed by nitrogen ion implantation contributed the decrease of the interfacial contact resistance without degradation of corrosion property. The combination of excellent properties indicated that nitrogen ion implanted stainless steel could be potential candidate materials as bipolar plates in PEMFC. Current efforts have focused on optimizing the condition of ion implantation.
Key Words
polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cell, bipolar plate, 316L stainless steel, nitrogen ion implantation, interfacial contact resistance
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