
Home > KJMM 논문 > 발간논문

Vol.47, No.10, 660 ~ 667, 2009
Characteristic Studies on Electro-Discharge-Sintering of Ti5Si3 Powder Synthesized by Mechanical Alloying
천연욱 Yeon Wuk Cheon , 조유정 Yu Jung Cho , 강태주 Tae Ju Kang , 김정열 Jung Yeul Kim , 박준식 Jun Sik Park , 변창섭 Chang Sup Byun , 이상호 Sang Ho Lee , 이원희 Won Hee Lee
The consolidation of mechanical alloyed Ti5Si3 powder by electro-discharge-sintering has been investigated. A single pulse of 2.5 to 8.0 kJ/0.34 g was applied to each powder mixture using 300 and 450 μF capacitors. A bulk-like solid with Ti5Si3 phase has been successfully fabricated by the discharge with an input energy of more than 2.5 kJ in less than 160 μsec. Micro-Vickers hardness was found to be higher than 1350, which is significantly higher than that of a conventional high temperature sintered sample. The formation of Ti5Si3 and consolidation occurred through a fast solid state diffusion reaction.
Key Words
titanium-silicide, mechanical alloying, electro-discharge-sintering, vickers hardness, phase transformation
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