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Vol.47, No.10, 652 ~ 660, 2009
Influence of Coating Process on Properties of BTA (Benzotriazole) Coating Film for Outdoor Bronze Artifacts Conservation
심규태 G. T. Shim , 유영란 Y. R. Yoo , 권용혁 Y. H. Kwon , 김영식 Y. S. Kim
Many ancient and historical artifacts were made by copper and its alloys. In the case of outdoor exposure artifacts, the surface could be suffered from corrosion and tarnish by the reaction with its environment. In order to preserve the artifacts, surface treatment would be needed and BTA coating has been usually applied to tin-bronze. This paper dealt with the evaluation of the properties of BTA coated film using a linear polarization method and AC impedance measurement. On the base of corrosion rate and film resistance for the specimen formed by coating process, optimum coating conditions are as follows; 3 cycles brushing or 3 cycles spraying coatings for natural dried process and 1 cycle brushing coating or 5 cycles spraying coating for hot-air dried process.
Key Words
benzotriazole, BTA, outdoor bronze, artifact, corrosion
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