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Vol.47, No.9, 558 ~ 567, 2009
Comparative Study of Ni effect on the Corrosion Behavior of Low Alloy Steels in FGD and Acid Rain Environments
한준희 Jun Hee Han , 장영욱 Young Wook Jang , 김정구 Jung Gu Kim , Dang Nam Nguyen
The alloying effect of a small amount of nickel on low alloy steel for application to flue gas desulfurization(FGD) systems was studied. The structural characteristics of the rust layer were investigated by scanning electron microscopy(SEM). The electrochemical properties were examined by means of potentiostatic polarization test, potentiodynamic polarization test, and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy(EIS) in a modified green death solution of 16.9 vol.% H2SO4+0.35 vol.% HCl at 60℃ and an acid rain solution of 6.25×10(-5) M H2SO4+5.5×10(-3) M NaCl at room temperature. It was found that as the amount of nickel increased, the corrosion rate increased in the modified green death solution, which seemed to result from micro-galvanic corrosion between NiS and alloy matrix. In acid rain solution, the corrosion rate decreased as the amount of nickel increased due to the repulsive force of NiFe2O4 rust against Cl- ions by electronegativity.
Key Words
Ni effect, Low alloy steel, acid rain environment, FGD environment, EIS, potentiostatic test, potentiodynamic test
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