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Vol.47, No.5, 297 ~ 304, 2009
Solvent Extraction of Cuprous and Cupric Chloride from Hydrochloric Acid Solutions by Alamine336
이만승 Man Seung Lee , 이진영 Jin Young Lee
Solvent extraction experiments of cupric and cuprous chloride with Alamine336 have been performed from HCl solution. In order to identify the solvent extraction reaction, distribution diagram of cupric and cuprous species with HCl concentration was obtained by considering complex formation reaction and the activity coefficient of solutes with Pitzer equation. Analysis of the solvent extraction data by graphical method together with the distribution diagram of copper indicated that solvent extraction reaction of copper with Alamine336 depends on HCl concentration. In strong HCl solution of 3 and 5 M, CuCl4(2-) and CuCl3(2-) took part in the solvent extraction reaction as Cu(II) and Cu(I), respectively. When HCl concentration was 1 M, CuCl(2-) was extracted into the organic phase in the case of Cu(I) while adduct formation between Cu2+ and Alamine336 was responsible for the solvent extraction reaction of Cu(II). (Received February 3, 2009)
Key Words
CuCl2, CuCl, HCl, Alamine336, distribution diagram
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