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Vol.47, No.4, 242 ~ 248, 2009
Development of Insert Metals for the Transient Liquid Phase Bonding in the Directional Solidified Ni Base Super Alloy GTD 111
이봉근 Bong Keun Lee , 오인석 In Seok Oh , 김길무 Gil Moo Kim , 강정윤 Chung Yun Kang
On the Transient Liquid Phase Bonding (TLPB) phenomenon with the MBF-50 insert metal at narrow gap (under 100), it takes long time for the bonding and the homogenizing. Typically, isothermal solidification is controlled by the diffusion of depressed element of B and Si. However, the amount of B and Si in the MBF-50 filler metal is large. This is reason of the long bonding time. Also, the MBF-50 filler metal did not contained Al and Ti which are γ` phases former. This is reason of the long homogenizing time. From the bonding phenomenon with the MBF-50 insert metal, we search main factors on the bonding mechanism and select several insert-metals for using the wide-gap TLPB. New insert-metals contained Al and Ti which are γ` phases former and decrease the B then the MBF-50. When the new insert-metal was used on the TLPB, the bonding time was decreased about 1/10 times and homogenizing heat treatment was no needed. In spite of the without homogenizing, the volume fraction of γ` phases in the boned interlayer was equal to homogenizing heat treated specimen which was TLPB with the MBF-50. Finally, the new insert metal named WG1 for the wide-gap TLPB is more efficient then the MBF-50 filler metal without decreasing the bonding characteristic.
Key Words
transient Liquid phase bonding, directionally solidified Ni base superalloy, GTD111, filler metal, wide-gap brazing, powder, microstructure
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