
Home > KJMM 논문 > 발간논문

Vol.46, No.4, 189 ~ 199, 2008
Effect of Rolling Conditions on Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of HCC AZ31 Alloy Plate
김영민 Young Min Kim , 천은영 Eun Young Chun , 임창동 Chang Dong Yim , 유봉선 Bong Sun You , 이재현 Je Hyun Lee
The changes in microstructure and mechanical properties of AZ31 alloy subjected hot-rolling process were investigated. The AZ31 plates fabricated by horizontal continuous casting process were prepared and have hot-rolled from 30 mm to 1 mm in thickness under different processing conditions. At the rolling temperature of 400℃, little surface and side crack was observed up to 20% reduction rate. As total reduction and reduction rate increase to more than 75% and 20% pass, respectively, Grains were more uniformly refined through overall thickness, and particularly lots of shear bands were appeared to be inclined at less than 20° along the rolling direction. Average grain size of less than 5 μm and tensile properties of YS ≥ 250 MPa, UTS ≥ 300 MPa and El. ≥ 13% were acquired for hot-rolled AZ31 sheets without post-heat treatment. Maximum intensity of (0002) pole figure was decreased with an increase in reduction rate, indicating the improvement of texture by means of high reduction rate.
Key Words
magnesium alloys, hot-rolling, horizontal continuous casting, microstructure, texture
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