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Vol.46, No.6, 363 ~ 370, 2008
Thermal Fatigue Behavior of Thermal Barrier Coatings by Air Plasma Spray
이한상 Han Sang Lee , 김의현 Eui Hyun Kim , 이정혁 Jung Hyuk Lee
Effects of top coat morphology and thickness on thermal fatigue behavior of thermal barrier coatings (TBC) were investigated in this study. Thermal fatigue tests were conducted on three coating specimens with different top coat morphology and thickness, and then the test data were compared via microstructures, cycles to failure, and fracture surfaces. In the air plasma spray specimens (APS1, APS2), top coat were 200 and 300 ?m respectively. The thickness of top coat was about 700 ?m in the perpendicular cracked specimen (PCS). Under thermal fatigue condition at 1,100oC, the cycles to top coat failure of APS1, APS2, and PCS were 350, 560 and 480 cycles, respectively. The cracks were initiated at the interface of top coat and thermally grown oxide (TGO) and propagated into TGO or top coat as the number of thermal fatigue cycles increased. For the PCS specimen, additive cracks were initiated and propagated at the starting points of perpendicular cracks in the top coat. Also, the thickness of TGO and the decrease of aluminium concentration in bond coat do not affect the cycles to failure.
Key Words
thermal barrier coatings, TBC, thermal fatigue, air plasma spray, thermally grown oxide, TGO
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