
Home > KJMM 논문 > 발간논문

Vol.46, No.3, 135 ~ 144, 2008
Simulation of Inhomogeneous Texture through the Thickness Direction during Hot Rolling Deformation in Strip Cast Al-5wt%Mg Alloy
송영식 Young Sik Song , 김병진 Byoung Jin Kim , 김형욱 Hyoung Wook Kim , 강석봉 Seok Bong Kang , 최시훈 Shi Hoon Choi
The inhomogeneous texture through the thickness direction can be developed during hot rolling deformation in aluminum alloy. In this study, the inhomogeneous texture evolution through the thickness direction during hot rolling deformation in Al-5 wt%Mg alloy produced by a new strip casting technology was measured experimentally. Macrotexture measurement was conducted using X-ray diffractometer. A finite element analysis with ABAQUS/StandardTM and rate sensitive polycrystal model were used to predict the evolution of hot rolling texture. The experimental results of Al-5 wt%Mg alloy were compared with calculated results. The shear texture components tend to be increased at the surface region of the hot-rolled specimen. It is found that triclinic sample symmetry is more accurate assumption for texture analysis and simulation in the surface region of hot-rolled aluminum alloy.
Key Words
inhomogeneous texture, hot rolling, finite element analysis, rate sensitive polycrystal model
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