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Vol.45, No.10, 545 ~ 550, 2007
Microscopic Structural Evolution Driven by Elastic Loading and Its Influence on the Mechanical Properties of an Amorphous Alloy
이상철 Sang Chul Lee , 이창면 Chang Myun Lee , 양재웅 Jae Woong Yang , 이재철 Jae Chul Lee
This study examined a fundamental issue as to if a compressive elastostatic loading can induce structural evolution of amorphous alloys. It was found that the elastic strain of amorphous alloys consisted of the strain components characterized by ideal elasticity, anelasticity, and viscoelasticity depending on their deformation characteristics. The strain component associated with viscoelasticity caused irreversible structural change even upon the removal of the applied stress, resulting in the generation of excess free volume. With the application of elastostatic loading, the plasticity of the pre-loaded amorphous alloy increased, while the yield strength decreased. These behaviors were analyzed using HRTEM and DSC from the perspective of the microsturctural changes characterized by the free volume generation.
Key Words
bulk amorphous alloy, plasticity, free volume, static Loading
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