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Vol.45, No.12, 698 ~ 706, 2007
Fabrications of Fe-based Amorphous Matrix Composites Reinforced by Tungsten Powders
박동희 Dong Hee Park , 이승훈 Seong Hoon Yi
Fe-based amorphous matrix composites reinforced by tungsten powders were fabricated by warm consolidation process using atomized Fe-based bulk metallic glass powders. Mixture of atomized Fe-based amorphous powders and tungsten powders were milled to form composite powders comprising fine tungsten particle layers within amorphous matrix. Small amounts of unknown phases were also formed in the composite powders. Through warm consolidation process within the supercooled liquid region, a bulk composite (Φ7 × L7) with a density of up to 95% of the theoretical density could be produced using the layered composite powders.
Key Words
bulk metallic glass, composite, warm consolidated processing
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