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Vol.45, No.12, 645 ~ 654, 2007
Prediction of Inhomogeneous Texture through the Thickness Direction in Automotive Cold-Rolled Steel Sheets
김병진 Byoung Jin Kim , 송영식 Young Sik Song , 김성일 Sung Il Kim , 최진원 Jin Won Choi , 최시훈 Shi Hoon Choi
The inhomogeneous texture through the thickness direction can be developed in automotive hot-rolled steel sheets by rolling condition such as hot-rolling ratio, rolling pass and rolling temperature. The inhomogeneous texture results in inhomogeneity of texture in the cold-rolled and annealed-steel sheets. In this study, the inhomogeneous transformation texture through the thickness direction of hot-rolled steel sheets was theoretically predicted using Kurdjumov-Sachs (K-S) relationship. The plane strain and the shear strain textures typical in FCC austenite phase were considered to calculate the inhomogeneous transformation textures in BCC ferrite phase, respectively. A rate sensitive polycrystal model was used to simulate the texture evolution of the inhomogeneous deformation texture through the thickness direction during the cold rolling deformation. The change of volume fraction for the major texture components was also analyzed in a cold-rolled state at different strain levels.
Key Words
automotive steel sheets, K-S relationship, inhomogeneous texture, rate sensitive polycrystal model
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