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Vol.45, No.11, 615 ~ 622, 2007
High Temperature Corrosion Behavior of Fe-(2, 9, 11)%Cr Steels in SO2-gas
최정호 Jung Ho Choi , 이동복 Dong Bok Lee
In order to study the corrosion characteristics in coal-fired power plants, Cr-steels were corroded between 600℃ and 900℃ in Ar+0.2%SO2 gas for up to 300hrs, and their oxidation and sulfidation characteristics were studied. The corrosion resistance increased with increasing the Cr content. The major corrosion products were Fe3O4 and Cr5S6, indicating that both oxidation and sulfidation occurred simultaneously. The scales formed were bi-layered when the corrosion resistance were poor, while those formed were single-layered when the corrosion resistance were good.
Key Words
SO2-gas corrosion, chromium steel, sulfidation, oxidation
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