Effects of Dual Heat Source on the Crystalline Defects of Zone- Melting-Recrystallized Poly-Silicon Thin Film
이진우 Jin Woo Lee , 류지호 Ji Ho Ryu , 홍순민 Soon Min Hong , 강춘식 Choon Sik Kang
A dual halogen lamp heating system of ZMR process was applied to control the temperature gradient on an Si film deposited on an SiO2 layer. Temperature gradient on the Si film was closely related to the character of crystalline defects such as subboundaries found in the Si film. Computer simulation was also performed to verify the experimental results. The effect of the second lamp was very similar with that of the lower pre-heating lamp. As the intensity of light emitted from the second lamp increased, the morphology of the defects was changed from even sub-grainboundary into feather-like pattern and this result could be identified by the computer simulation. While unfocused side lamp just over the film made only a little effects on the defects spacing, the controlling the defects spacing needed another lamp which should be focused.