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Vol.36, No.7, 1186 ~ 1195, 1998
Development of Models for Cylindrical Ores in Gaseous Reduction of Iron Ore
강흥원 Heung Won Kang , 정우창 Uoo Chang Chung , 정원배 Won Bae Chung , 정원섭 Won Sub Chung
Two cylindrical models for the reduction of iron ores are proposed. One model is for the long cylindrical particle and the other for disc-shape particle. The determination method of the rate parameters included in these models are illustrated. The models are applied to the reduction data for a long-cylindrical pellet of which the height is 2.3 times longer than the diameter and a disc-shaped pellet of which thickness is as 0.34 time thick as the diameter. According to the application results, the fractional reductions calculated by the proposed models are on the good agreement of the observed ones and the reasonable values of the rate parameters are obtained.
Key Words
Iron ore, shape, Gaseous reduction, Unreacted-core model, Long cylindrical model, Disc model, Non-spherical particle
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