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Vol.36, No.7, 1102 ~ 1109, 1998
Effect of Heating Rate on the Combustion Synthesis of Intermetallics(1) (Theoretical Background)
이승헌 Seung Hurn Lee , 안정식 Jung Sik Ahn , 이종현 Jong Hyun Lee , 장영섭 Young Seob Jang , 이룡호 Yong Ho Lee , 김용석 Yong Seog Kim
Effects of heating rate on the temperature profile of the combustion synthesis and on the homogeneity of the reaction product are investigated. Analysis of the temperature profile using a simple mathematical model indicated that a significant fraction of reactants is consumed during the precombustion duration, forming intermetallic compounds at the reactant interface, which was confirmed experimentally. The relationship between the parameters measured from the temperature profile and the degree of conversion of reactants to products are discussed.
Key Words
Intermetallics, Heating rate, Combustion, Synthesis
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