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Vol.36, No.7, 1016 ~ 1024, 1998
Effect of Sn Contents and the Role of Sn on the Mechanical Properties in Cu-9Ni-xSn Alloys
정윤철 Yun Chul Jung , 김창주 Chang Joo Kim , 한승전 Seung Zeon Han , 이정무 Jung Moo Lee
The effects of Sn contents on the mechanical properties and the role of Sn in the Cu-9Ni-xSn alloys have been investigated and the following results have been obtained. The mechanical properties such as tensile strength, elongation and electrical resisitivity of Cu-9Ni-xSn alloys are strongly dependent on aging temperature, aging time and Sn contents. With increasing Sn contents, the tensile strength is increased and the temperature where the spinodal decomposition occurs and the incubation time to start spinodal decomposition are lowered and reduced, respectively. By aging treatment at temperatures below 350℃, the 5%Sn alloys. In the case of the 5%
Key Words
Cu-Ni-Sn alloys, Spinodal decomposition, Metastable phase, Precipitation, Discontinuous precipitates, Ordered structure, Tensile strength, Elongation, Electrical resistivity
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