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Vol.36, No.7, 998 ~ 1006, 1998
Grain Boundary Morphology Control in Alloy 690
이진규 Jin Kyu Lee , 장진성 Jin Sung Jang , 김도향 Do Hyang Kim , 이창규 Chang Kyu Rhe , 국일현 Il Hiun Kuk
The influence of heat treatments on the grain boundary morphology of alloy 690 (Ni-30Cr-9Fe) was studied. Serrated grain boundaries were produced by isothermal heat treatment at 800℃ after solution heat treatment at 1150℃ or by control cooling in the temperature range of 800℃ and 400℃ with a rate of 5℃/min or below. The amplitude and wavelength of serrated grain boundaries increased with longer isothermal heat treatment time or slower cooling rates, but showed maximum value at some extent, respectively. Precipitates on the serrated grain boundaries were revealed as Cr23C6 having semi-coherent cube-to cube relationship -{100}matrix//{100}ppt <100>matrix//<100>ppt -with one adjacent grain.
Key Words
Alloy 690, Grain boundary morphology, Serrated grain boundary, Heat treatment, Cooling rate, Cr23C6, Semi-coherent interface, Orientation relationship
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