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Vol.45, No.9, 506 ~ 514, 2007
Effect of Intergranular Ferrite on the Hydrogen Delayed Fracture Resistance of High Strength Boron-added Steel
김지수 Ji Soo Kim , 이유환 You Hwan Lee , 이덕락 Duk Lak Lee , 이종수 Chong Soo Lee
In this study, the effect of intergranular ferrite volume fraction on the hydrogen delayed fracture (HDF) resistance of high strength boron-added steel was investigated. For this purpose, constant loading test using cathodically charged specimens was conducted on the three intergranular ferrite volume fractions, i.e., 000, 6% and l0%. With the increase of the amount of intergranular ferrite volume fractions, the HDF resistance in boron-added steel was increased. TEM and SEM observations revealed that the intergranular ferrite took the carbides nucleation sites at grain boundaries, and as a result, the crack nucleation sites were reduced. And the result of thermal desorption analysis showed that the grain boundaries were the main trapping sites.
Key Words
high strength boron-added steel, hydrogen delayed fracture resistance, intergranular ferrite, constant Loading test, thermal desorption analysis
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