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Vol.45, No.5, 315 ~ 321, 2007
Casting & Cu-Ca Alloy and Thixoforming Precess Design for High Efficient Rotor
이상용 Sang Yong Lee , 문영훈 Young Hoon Moon , 이혜경 Hyae Kyung Yi
The melting range, electrical conductivity, and microstructure of Cu-Ca alloys and thixoforming process design of developed Cu-Ca alloy were investigated. High purity calcium was added to molten copper up to 1.4% by weight. SIMA(Strain induced melting activated) process has been carried out to modify the copper dendrites to spherical shapes. The semisolid range, grain size and electrical conductivity of Cu-Ca alloy were significantly influenced by the content of calcium and prestrain. Thixoforming experiment of developed Cu-Ca alloy were performed. Efficiency of rotor was negative influenced by internal defects. Thixoformed Cu-Ca rotor shows high efficiency to that of die cast Al rotor by optimization of forming process.
Key Words
Thixoforming, STMA process, Cu-Ca alloy, electrical conductivity, rotor
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