Microstructure and Fracture Behavior of Squeeze Cast AM60 Mg Composite Reinforced with Ti Alloy
김재중Jae Joong Kim,김낙준Nack J . Kim
Microstructure and fracture behavior of Ti alloy reinforced AM60 Mg composite have been investigated in the present study. To clarify the fracture behavior, in-situ fracture test was conducted. The manufactured composite consists of 45.1 vol.% reinforcement and does not show the pore presence. No reaction layers or reaction products are observed at the Ti/Mg interface. However, there is a presence of fine Ti particles in the matrix. It has been suggested that the Ti particles form by diffusion during squeeze casting. It also has been shown that there is a diffusion of Mg into Ti. Microcracks are nucleated mainly along the reinforcement/matrix interface, but they are less sharp than those found in the ceramic reinforced composites. Considering the high volume fraction and large size of the reinforcement used in the present study, the manufactured composite shows the strong potential for further improvement in mechanical properties.