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Vol.45, No.2, 128 ~ 135, 2007
The Effect of Anodic Oxidation Condition of Titanium Substrate on the Nucleation and Crystal Growth of Electrodeposited Copper
이현우 Hyun Woo Lee , 설경원 Kyeong Won Seol , 우태규 Tae Gyu Woo , 박일송 Il Song Park
Recently, requirement for the ultra thin copper foil increase with smaller and miniaturized electronic components. A study has been made to determine the effect of an electrochemically produced titanium-oxide film on the nucleation and growth of copper. The oxide films were made current step and potential step at 30℃ in 1.5M sulfuric acid on pure titanium metal. The formation of a microporous oxide layer on the titanium electrode greatly enhances the surface density of copper crystals. For a 50seconds of deposition, the surface roughness of the copper deposit is lower than that of the untreated surface.
Key Words
electrodeposition, copper foil, crystal growth, anodizing
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