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Vol.45, No.2, 65 ~ 71, 2007
A Study on the Modulated Microstructures with Superlattice induced by Supersaturation in TEM Observation at Alloys
김성준 Sung Joon Kim , 이태호 Tae Ho Lee , 이용태 Yong Tai Lee , 최병학 Byung Hak Choe , 이종길 Jong Kil Lee , 신수근 Soo Keun Shin , 김영욱 Yeong Ouk Kim
Pretransition phenomena observed in four commercial alloy systems of β-C Ti, Al-Mg-Cu, Fe-Cu and Fe-N steel are reported. For the microscopic origin of the modulated structures, it is conjectured that orbital splitting of incomplete 3d electrons in the alloying elements causes electron-phonon coupled lattice displacements through Jahn-Teller`s bain distortions. This metastable phases are to be represented by a periodic regularity of electronic distribution, which could act as a role of an abnormal structural constitution about the modulated strain field and an additional ordered diffraction in TEM observation.
Key Words
modulated structure, metastable phase, additional ordered diffraction, bain distortion
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