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Vol.45, No.1, 30 ~ 36, 2007
Oxidation Characteristics of the Layered Ti3AlC2 Compound between 900 and 1,200℃ in Air
이동복 Dong Bok Lee , 박상환 Sang Hwan Park , 한재호 Jae Ho Han
The layered ternary carbides, Ti3AlC2, were synthesized via a powder metallurgical route, and their oxidation characteristics were investigated between 900 and 1,200℃ in air for up to 100 hr. The oxidation of Ti3AlC2 resulted in the formation of TiO2 and Al2O3. Up to 1,000℃, the scales formed were thin, compact and adherent. However, above 1,100℃, the Al2O3 oxides formed in the scales were neither dense nor continuous enough to protect Ti3AlC2from aggressive high-temperature oxidation, so that thick scales formed. At 1,200℃, thick scales formed were porous.
Key Words
ternary carbides, Ti3AlC2, oxidation, TiO2, Al2O3
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