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Vol.44, No.10, 653 ~ 662, 2006
Dilatometric Analysis of Phase Transformation in Low Carbon Steel considering Non-isotropic Volume Change
서동우 Dong Woo Suh , 오창석 Chang Seok Oh , 한흥남 Heung Nam Han , 김성준 Sung Joon Kim
One of the most important assumptions of conventional dilatometric analysis is an isotropic volume change during the transformation. However, the volume change does not occur isotropically and thus measured dilatation data upon the transformation consists of isotropic and non-isotropic contribution. In the present study, we expand the conventional analysis model to consider the non-isotropic dilatation during the transformation. A procedure to quantify the non-isotropic dilatation upon thermal cycle is suggested and it is implemented into the analysis model. Dilatometric analysis is conducted on measured dilatation data of low carbon steels to validate the proposed model. The phase fractions evaluated with the proposed model show a good agreement with those with the metallographic analysis. The result shows that considering the contribution of non-isotropic dilatation is crucial for quantitative dilatometric analysis.
Key Words
steel, phase transformation, dilatometric analysis
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