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Vol.44, No.5, 338 ~ 344, 2006
Fluidity and Mechanical Properties of Mg-xAl-Zn Alloys
송대현 Dae Hyun Song , 이철웅 Chul Woong Lee , 남기영 Ki Young Nam , 이상원 Sang Won Lee , 박용호 Yong Ho Park , 박익민 Ik Min Park , 조경목 Kyung Mox Cho
The effect of Al content on the fluidity, tensile and creep properties of Mg-xAl-Zn alloy was investigated. The molten Mg-(3~11)Al-Zn alloys of 700℃ were poured into the mould designed to estimate fluidity. Tensile and creep tests were performed for the alloys and microstructure and fractured region were observed to investigate the mechanism of creep deformation behavior. Results showed the fluidity increased with higher AI content. Creep resistance decreased while tensile strength improved with increasing AI amount. Microstructure revealed that the morphology of Mg(17)AI(12) is the main factor determining tensile and creep properties of as cast Mg-xAl-Zn alloys. Final purpose of this study is to develop the heat resistant Mg alloys to apply transportation systems such as automobile parts. Further study on the effect of heat treatment and additional alloying elements on the microstructure and properties of Mg-xAl alloys is going to be performed.
Key Words
Magnesium, Fluidity, Tensile properties, Creep properties
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