Research Paper / Welding & Joining : Interfacial Reaetion between an Amorphous Cu-Ag-Ce Alloy and Sn Solder
이성욱Sung Wook Lee, 허주열Joo Youl Huh
The interfacial reaction behavior between the melt-spun, amorphous 54.8 at% Cu-39.6 at% Ag-5.6 at% Ce alloy and the pure Sn solder was investigated at 240℃ and 180℃ and was compared with that between the crystalline alloy obtained by a crystallization treatment of the amorphous alloy and the Sn solder. The amorphous and crystalline alloys showed no qualitative difference in reaction behavior at 240℃. The reaction zone with a layered structure of Cu_6Sn_5/Ce_5Sn₃/Cu_6Sn_5+Sn(l)/(Cu-Ce)+Sn(l) grew fast as the liquid Sn dissolved preferentially Ag of the alloys. During the annealing of the Sn-wetted alloys at 180℃ for 100 hours, the reaction zones formed in the amorphous and crystalline alloys showed similar layered structures but the growth behavior of the reaction zone was significantly different: a reaction-limited growth in the amorphous alloy and a diffusion-limited growth in the crystalline growth. The difference can be at-tributed to the fact that the bulk diffusivity of Sn in the amorphous alloy is much lower than the grain boundary diffusivity of Sn in the crystalline alloy.