Research Paper / Environment : Numerical Modeling of Columnar Grain Deflection of Al-Cu Alloys Solidified in a Flowing Melt on an Inclined Cu Substrate
이성윤Sung Yoon Lee, 이상목Sang Mok Lee, 홍준표Chun Pyo Hong
A two-dimensional coupled cellular automaton-continuum model was developed to predict the solidification grain structures and the deflection behavior of columnar grains solidified in a flowing melt. Al-Cu alloys were solidified on an inclined Cu chill in order to investigate the deflection behavior of columnar grains in the upstream flow. The growth velocity of a dendrite was determined by the KGT model based on the calculated temperature and solute profiles around a dendrite tip during solidification. The effects of flow velocity and solute content on the deflection angle of the columnar grains were investigated through experiments, and the results were compared with computer simulations. It was found that the present model could predict the deflection behavior of the columnar grains solidified in a flowing melt.