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Vol.44, No.4, 261 ~ 270, 2006
Influences of Salt and Cathodic Protection on Rebar Corrosion of Concrete Construction
유영란 Young Ran Yoo , 장현영 Hyun Young Chang , 김영식 Young Sik Kim
This work focused on the monitoring of open circuit potential(ocp), cathodic protection potential, and potential shift and the effects of salt and cathodic protection on rebar corrosion in concrete. Open circuit potential of salt added sand concrete was more base than that of river sand concrete, and the ocp of both samples is gradually increased to noble direction but the former was still base. Salt water exposure to concrete made the ocp more base and resulted in severe rebar corrosion. On the base of destruction of concrete samples, rebar in salt added sand concrete was severely corroded than that of river sand concrete, and salt water exposure facilitated the corrosion of rebar. However, the rebar corrosion in concrete by salt and salt water was inhibited using cathodic protection, and the protection situation could be monitored by the measurements of protection potential and potential shift.
Key Words
Rebar corrosion, Salt, Cathodic protection, Concrete, Anode
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