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Vol.44, No.3, 181 ~ 186, 2006
A Study on Fracture Strength of LOC Packages with Silicon Chips
이성민 Seong M. Lee
This article represents that the flexural failure in a LOC (lead-on-chip) package begins from the brittle fracture of the plastically-encapsulated silicon chip. Thus, in order to enhance the flexural strength of the LOC package, it is very important to prevent the brittle fracture of the silicon chip embedded in the plastic package body. It was investigated in the present work how the fracture strength of the LOC package depends on the depth and orientation of grinding-induced defects on the back-surface of the silicon chip. It was found that the grinding-mark orientation rather than the grinding-mark depth on the back surface of the silicon chip is a more important factor in determining the fracture strength of the LOC package.
Key Words
Silicon chip, LOC package, Grinding mark, Defect, Fracture
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