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Vol.44, No.1, 37 ~ 44, 2006
Evaluation of Indentation Tensile Properties for FCC Linear Hardening Materials
전은채 Eun Chae Jeon , 김성훈 Sung Hoon Kim , 박주승 Joo Seung Park , 유용재 Yong Jae Yu , 권동일 Dong Il Kwon
General methods of evaluating indentation tensile properties using instrumented indentation techniques are aimed at power-law hardening materials. However, some FCC materials with low stacking-fault energy, such as austenitic stainless steels, show linear hardening behavior. In this study, in order to reflect linear hardening behavior, a sine function was adapted in the definition of true strain instead of tangent function. The true strain of sine function was proved to be more suitable to describe linear and high hardening deformation pattern due to its own mathematical features. Accordingly, accurate indentation flow curves were successfully derived with the new true strain definition and a linear constitutive equation. The indentation yield strength and indentation tensile strength were determined as the corresponding true stresses to the yield point and the necking point on the indentation flow curve, respectively. It was found that the indentation yield strengths were within a 10% error range, and the indentation tensile strengths were within a 5% error range, when compared to tensile test results.
Key Words
Linear hardening, Instrumented indentation test, Indentation tensile property, True strain
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