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Vol.43, No.12, 890 ~ 899, 2005
Special Edition : Symposium on Mechanical Behavior of Materials(2) ; EReliability Analysis on the Creep Rupture Parameter
홍경태 Kyung Tae Hong , 지영수 Young Su Ji , 전재영 Jae Young Jun
The Creep Rupture data are the criteria to select the high temperature structural materials for the different operating conditions (Temperature, Stress, Design Life). With these Creep Rupture data set, the design life can be calculated with the safety margin. In case of Creep Rupture data, the uncertainty is difficult to calculate since the testing time is relatively long and the testing temperature is very difficult to be hold as constant along the gage section. With these uncertainties, the safety margin for creep conditions are too large for the components to be very sound beyond the design life. even triple of the design life. To reduce the uncertainty level of Creep Rupture data, the number of good data must be larger than a certain values, which can be used to calculate the reliability range. Since the data of Creep Rupture data time are converted to Creep Rupture parameter, that reliability must be evaluated for the regression curves of the Creep Rupture data parameters. In this paper, there will be mentioned how to get the analysis on the Creep Rupture data time and parameters.
Key Words
Creep rupture parameter, Data base, Reliability
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