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Vol.43, No.12, 882 ~ 890, 2005
Special Edition : Symposium on Mechanical Behavior of Materials(2) ; Application & Standardization of Instrumented Indentation Technique for Characterizing Material Properties
권동일 Dong Il Kwon , 김성훈 Sung Hoon Kim , 김주영 Ju Young Kim , 전은채 Eun Chae Jeon , 이정석 Jung Suk Lee , 김광호 Kwang Ho Kim
Instrumented indentation technique (IIT), because it is fast, precise, and nondestructive, has been widely used to determine such mechanical properties as tensile properties, residual stress, fracture properties and hardness. The IIT has been applied to evaluate properties and to diagnose safety and integrity of materials and structural units such as gas/steam pipeline, railway and bridge. In particular, in US, new DOT (Department of Transportation) regulations stipulated to evaluate tensile properties of gas pipeline, and IIT has been researched as the most serviceable method to determine the properties of in-service system without damage and shutdown. Owing to great interest in the technique, standardization for testing procedure and property evaluation using IIT has been progressed in many-sidedness. For indentation hardness, ISO 14577 standard, FDIS in present, be scheduled for international standard in a short time. For indentation tensile property, international working group has been operated to make international standard since 2004, and domestic standard, KS standard, was established as KS B 0950, prior to IS, in 2002. In addition, for indentation residual stress, domestic standard has been registered as KS B 0951 since 2003.
Key Words
Standardization, Instrumented indentation, Flow properties, Flesidual stress, Fracture tougnness
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