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Vol.43, No.12, 834 ~ 841, 2005
Special Edition : Symposium on Mechanical Behavior of Materials(2) ; Deformation Behavior with the Variation of Microstructure of A356 Alloy
권용남 Y. N. Kwon , 김상식 S. S. Kim , 이영선 Y. S. Lee , 이정환 J. H. Lee
The mechanical properties of A356 alloy has not been well understood in terms of microstructural aspects even though A356 is one of the most widely used alloys for the industrial purpose. Specially, quantitative relationship between properties like ductility and fracture toughness with microstructural features is still lacking. In the present study, different processing routes were used to fabricate A356 samples for different microstructures such as the size and distribution of primary alpha and eutectic phases. Also, compressive deformation was used to eliminate porosity from casting. With those samples with different microstructure the characteristics of A356 alloy on tensile behavior was investigated in the present study. Strength as well as ductility of A356 alloy were shown to be strongly dependent on the distribution of Si particles since dislocation motions are hindered mainly by the hard Si particles. Also, it was found to be possible to enhance the ductility by modifying the Si distribution when deformation was applied to cast sample.
Key Words
A356 alloy, Casting, Cast-Forging Process Porosity, Ductility
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