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Vol.43, No.10, 637 ~ 645, 2005
Effect of Oxide and Hydride on the Behavior of the Zirconium Cladding During Loss of the Coolant Accident (LOCA)
김준환 Jun Hwan Kim , 최병권 Byoung Kwon Choi , 백종혁 Jong Hyuk Baek , 정용환 Yong Hwan Jeong
The effects of pre-oxide and pre-hydride on the behavior of the Loss of the Coolant Accident (LOCA) event after extended reactor operation were investigated in this study. High temperature ballooning and quench test were performed at the Zircaloy-4 claddings which have previously been treated up to 50 μm thick oxide and 1000 ppm of hydrides, respectively. In the high temperature ballooning test, initially pressurized claddings were heated until rupture. Compression test was performed on the quenched claddings after high temperature oxidation. The results showed that both pre-oxide and pre-hydride affected the high temperature deformation due to the constraint of α phase by the pre-oxide as well as the expansion of β phase by the pre-hydride. In the quench test, pre-oxide did not affect the high temperature oxidation whereas ductility of the pre-hydrided claddings greatly decreased because pre-hydride increased the oxygen contents in the residual β phase.
Key Words
Loss of Coolant Accident, LOCA, zirconium cladding, high burnup, oxide, hydride
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