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Vol.43, No.10, 626 ~ 637, 2005
An Ab Initio Study of Interfacial Energies Between Group V Transition Metal Carbides and bcc Iron
정우상 Woo Sang Jung , 정순효 Soon Hyo Chung , 변지영 Ji Young Byun
This paper describes an ab initio study on interface energies, misfit strain energies, and electron structures at coherent interfaces Fe(bcc structure)/MCs(NaCl structure, M = V, Nb, Ta). The interface energies at relaxed interfaces Fe/VC, Fe/NbC, and Fe/TaC were -0.120, -0.169, and -0.158 J/㎡, respectively. It was understood that the dependence of interface energy on the type of carbide was closely related to changes of the binding energies between Fe, M, and C atoms before and after formation of the interfaces Fe/MCs with the help of the NLP/NNBB (Discrete Lattice Plane/ Nearest Neighbour Broken Bond) model and data of the electron structures. The misfit strain energies in Fe/VC, Fe/NbC, and Fe/TaC systems were 0.086, 0.891, and 0.827 eV per 16 atoms(Fe; 8 atoms and MC; 8 atoms). More misfit energy was generated as difference of lattice parameters between the bulk Fe and the bulk MCs increased.
Key Words
Interfacial energy, Misfit strain energy, Transition metal carbides, bcc iron, Ab initio calculation
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