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Vol.43, No.9, 609 ~ 614, 2005
Precipitation-Stripping of Cobalt Extracted in Cyanex 272 by Oxalic Acid
박경호 Kyung Ho Park , 정선희 Sun Hee Jung , 신선명 Shun Myung Shin , 김동수 Dong Su Kim
This paper presents the precipitation-stripping of cobalt from cobalt-loaded solvent (Cyanex 272 in kerosene) into an aqueous oxalate solution, where cobalt was precipitated as metal oxalate. The loaded solvent containing 2 g/ℓ cobalt was selected. The precipitation yield was tested as a function of several parameters such as pH of aqueous solution, the amount of oxalic acid, O/A ratio, temperature, and reaction time. The precipitation yield of cobalt greatly depended on pH of aqueous solution, and pH of 1.5 was optimum. Under optimum precipitation-stripping conditions (pH-1.5, oxalic acid-2 times of cobalt, O/A ratio-3, 25℃, 20 min.) about 95% efficiency was achieved.
Key Words
Solvent extraction, Cobalt, Cyanex 272, Precipitation-stripping, Oxalic acid
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