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Vol.43, No.7, 500 ~ 505, 2005
Probabilistic Assessment of Pipe Lines for Failure Probability and Remained Life Time
이상호 Sang Ho Lee , 최병학 Byung Hak Choe , 신수근 Soo Keun Shin , 김영표 Young Pyo Kim , 김우식 Woo Sik Kim , 고영태 Young Tai Ko , 조경식 Kyung Shik Cho
One alternative method to estimation of the remaining life of pipelines containing active corrosion defects is presented. This reliability assessment is carried out using extreme value distribution of the corroded defects instead of already published failure pressure model like NG18 or ASME B31G. The failure probability of pipelines depends on the number of corroded defects, and it could be calculated directly as the area exceeded a defined LV (Limited Value of corrosion depth). The remaining life of pressurized pipelines can also be estimated by the PDF of extreme value distribution as calculating the exceeded area with a defined failure probability.
Key Words
Probability density function, Extreme value distribution, Remained Life, Pipeline, Failure probability, Corrosion depth
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