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Vol.43, No.4, 286 ~ 292, 2005
Fabrication of Multilayered Fe/Ag Composites by Repeated Bonding/Rolling Method
이정무 Jung Moo Lee , 이법로 Bup Rho Lee , 강석봉 Suk Bong Kang
Fe/Ag multilayered composites which have the layer thickness below 50 nm have been fabricated by the repeated bonding and rolling method. The effects of processing variables on the microstructures of Fe/Ag multilayered composites were investigated. Multiple necking and multiple rupture occur during the rolling process. The initial thickness ratio of the constituent phase of the multilayers affects the occurrence of the multiple necking and rupture. The smoothness of the layer is related with the total thickness reduction in the bonding/rolling cycle. In the initial stage of the process, large strain partition occurs in the soft Ag layer, and due to hardening of the Ag layer during the rolling process, the strain partitioning of the Fe and Ag layer becomes similar. Accordingly the layer thickness of the two constituent phase becomes similar in the final stage of the process. (Received January 19, 2005)
Key Words
Multilayer, Multiple necking, Repeated rolling, Fe/Ag
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