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Vol.42, No.11, 895 ~ 901, 2004
Effect of Strain Rate on the Deformation Behavior of a Fe-27.5 at.% Al Intermetallic Alloy
송진화 Jin Hwa Song , 하태권 Tae Kwon Ha , 장영원 Young Won Chang
The effect of strain rate on the room temperature deformation behavior of a Fe-27.5 at.% Al has been investigated in this study. Phase composition and degree of order in Fe-27.5 at.% Al alloy were varied by aging at various temperatures corresponding to phase fields of D03 and B2 to elucidate the effects of microstructure and degree of order on the room temperature deformation behavior. A series of load relaxation tests was conducted and the results were analyzed based on the internal variable theory of inelastic deformation. Room temperature strength of the Fe-27.5 at.% Al alloy was found to increase with decrease in degree of order. All the flow curves could be successfully described by the constitutive equations of the internal variable theory of inelastic deformation and were found to be governed by the frictional stress element. (Received June 20, 2004)
Key Words
Fe-27.5 at.% Al alloy, Degree of order, Load relaxation test, Internal variable theory, Frictional stress
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