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Vol.42, No.10, 777 ~ 785, 2004
Deformation Behavior of Zirconium Cladding during Loss of Coolant Accident
이종혁 Jong Hyuk Lee , 김준환 Jun Hwan Kim , 최병권 Byoung Kwon Choi , 정용환 Yong Hwan Jeong
The high temperature ballooning properties of the Zircaloy-4 cladding were evaluated at the simulated Loss Of Coolant Accident (LOCA) environment. Effect of Nb on the ballooning property was also investigated, which is added in advanced cladding for the enhancement of corrosion resistance. Initially pressurized zirconium cladding in 10 MPa and 60 MPa as hoop stress was heated until rupture. Burst elongation and burst temperature was measured after the test. The results showed that phase transformation from a to R has an great influence on the deformation behavior in that a phase acts transgranular slip and 3 phase does intergranular sliding. Effect of Nb did not show significantly in high temperature ballooning property because shortage of test time was such that Nb did not affect the phase transformation.
Key Words
Zirconium cladding, Loss of Coolant Accident, LOCA, Phase transformation, Niobium
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