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Vol.42, No.6, 488 ~ 494, 2004
Mathematical Modeling ; A Numerical Investigation of Spray-forming Process Parameters and Their Effects on Temperature Profiles of a Rod-shaped Preform
석현광 Hyun Kwang Seok
A coupled analysis model based on both growth model using vector calculus and heat transfer model using boundary fitted coordinate is presented, where calculation grids are generated along the preform boundary to consider the shape changes during spray forming. The effects of spray forming process parameters, such as substrate withdrawal velocity, materials of substrate, super heating of substrate, heat transfer coefficient of the preform surface, droplet temperature, droplet flow rate, on temperature profile of rod preform were investigated using the heat transfer model. As a result of numerical investigation, substrate withdrawal velocity, which changes preform shape and size, was shown to be the most effective parameter and both pouring temperature and heat transfer coefficient at the preform surface, which do not change the preform shape, were also calculated to be effective parameter to control the preform temperature. (Received february 11, 2004)
Key Words
Spray forming, A coupled analysis model, Growth model, Heat transfer model, Boundary fitted coordinate
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