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Vol.37, No.4, 416 ~ 423, 1999
Research Paper / Mechanical Behavior : Microstructure and Deformation Characteristics of Inconel 690 Alloy for Steam Generator Tubes ; ( 2 ) Dynamic Strain Aging Behavior
안영철Young Cheol Ahn, 김희영Hee Young Kim, 홍순형Soon Hyung Hong, 한정호Jung Ho Han, 김정수Joung Soo Kim, 국일현Il Hiun Kuk
The dynamic strain aging behavior during tensile tests of Inconel 690 alloy has been investigated in temperature ranged 25-700℃ under strain rate ranged 10^(-5)-10^(-3)s^(-1). Characteristic serrations in stress-strain curves were observed in temperature between 200 and 600℃, and negative strain rate sensitivities were observed in temperature between 300 and 500℃ Four different types of serrations, identified as A1, A2, B, C type serrations, were observed depending on the temperature, strain rate and strain. A1 type serration, a periodic rise and drop of stress with small amplitude, was observed in temperature ranged 200-245℃ A2 type serration, a rise of stress followed by a drop of stress, was observed at a higher temperature ranged 245-400℃. B type serration, a successive oscillation of stress, was observed in temperature ranged 245-500℃. C type serration, characterized as abrupt irregular stress drops, was observed at 600℃. The activation energies for the onset of serration were calculated as 122, 72 and 132kJ/㏖ for A1, A2 and B type serration, respectively, from the analysis of the critical strains for the onset of serrations. The rate controlling mechanism for dynamic strain aging is suggested as the migration of substitutional atoms for A1 type serration, the carbon diffusion through dislocation core for A2 type serration and the carbon diffusion through lattice far B type serration.
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