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Vol.37, No.2, 150 ~ 155, 1999
Research Paper / Trasformations : Dissolution Behavior of Nitrogen in Fe - Mn - Cr - Ni System Austenitic Stainless Steel
김형걸Byung Geol Kim, 김봉서Bong Seo Kim, 유경재Kyung Jae Yoo, 권해웅Hae Woong Kwon, 이희웅Hee Woong Lee
Induction melting method under pressurized nitrogen gas was used to produce austenitic stainless steels dissolved with high content of nitrogen. Fe-Mn-Cr-Ni allay system was melted using Cr-nitride ferrous allay(6wt.% N) as a main additive element. The concentration and dissolution behaviors of nitrogen in as-casted alloys were investigated to clarify the effectiveness of induction melting method under pressurized nitrogen gas and Cr-nitride ferrous alloy in producing high nitrogen austenitic stainless steels having excellent mechanical, corrosion-resistance and non-magnetic properties. Nitrogen concentration in molten alloys was increased with increasing nitrogen pressure up to 1.5 atm. This result can be explained by Sievert`s law. The nitrogen concentration of about 6.900 ppm was obtained in a molten alloy when melted at the nitrogen pressure of 1.5 atm. XRD and XPS measurements were carried out to investigate the dissolution behavior of nitrogen in a molten alloy. Although it was failed to detect some nitrides by XRD, XPS measurement revealed the existence of nitride such as Cr₂N. Therefore it can be concluded that the dissolved nitrogen in a molten alloy exists as two states, one is as a solid solution state, the other is as a nitride state. It seems reasonable to conclude the most of nitrogen were dissloved as a solid solution state, and some nitrogen are apt to be formed into a nitride.
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