Microstructure Formation of Al-12% Si Alloys by Laser Surface Melting
최춘기 Choon Gi Choi
The surface of Al-Si 12% alloys has been modified by laser surface melting process. A 5 kW CO₂ laser has been used to melt the surface of casting alloy. The dimension and microhardness of molten zone have been investigated for mono- and multi-pass. The dimension of molten zone depends on the parameters (power, scanning velocity......) of laser beam. The microhardness increases as the crystalline size and interdendritic space decrease and the scanning velocity increases. A substantial reduction of silicon particle size has been achieved from about 50 microns before laser melting to about 1 micron after laser melting with scanning velocity of 1 m/min. The relationship between solidification rate and scanning velocity has been also studied. The solidification rate begins to zero at the interface between substrate and molten zone, and rapidly increases up to a value equivalent to the scanning velocity at the surface. Interdendritic space depends on the quenching rate. It decreases with the speed of treatment and it is about 1 micron with a scanning velocity of 10 m/min.