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Vol.36, No.12, 2143 ~ 2153, 1998
Effect of Mn Alloying on the Growth Rate and Oxidation Resistance of MoSi2 Coatings
윤진국 , 변지영 , 김재수 , 최종술 Jin Kook Yoon , Ji Young Byun , Jae Soo Kim , Chong Sool Choi
The effect of Mn alloying on the growth rate and oxidation resistance of MoSi2 coatings formed by pack siliconizing process, (Mo-Mn)Si₂ coatings formed by single-step pack process (codeposition of Si and Mn), and two-step pack process (manganizing+siliconizing), respectively, was investigated at 1373K and 1573K. The growth rate of MoSi₂ coatings was fast in order of two-step pack process, single-step pack process and pack siliconizing process at 1373K because the increase of Mn concentration on MoSi₂ coating surface resulted in the increase of mass balance condition of silicon for MoSi₂ growth. The static and cyclic oxidation resistance decreased in order of two-step pack process, single-step pack process, and pack siliconizing process in air at 1573K because higher levels of Mn tended to retard the growth rate of Mo_5Si₃ diffusion layer and rapid oxidation at the edge of MoSi₂ coatings was prevented by the formation of thick Mn-Si-O complex oxides and decrease of the formation frequency of microcracks within MoSi₂ coatings.
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